
Our advisory roll is always performed respecting carefully the following values :

Inicia Corporate - Nuestros Valores

Our services are exclusively orientated to maximize value for our clients in every transaction. Given that we do not take part in any other kind of activity that could present a potential conflict of interest, our independence is guaranteed. Inicia’s capital belongs to its executive partners and, therefore, there are no other interests, financial or of any other kind, that could affect our absolute dedication to maximizing our client’s value.


We guarantee the maximum confidentiality in our work as the way to preserve our clients’ interests and their capacity to generate added value.


Long-term relationship
Our philosophy is to maintain long term relationships with our clients in order to help them achieve their goals. We assign to every project a highly experienced team, led always by an Inicia partner.


Flexibility and execution capability
In order to assure the success of the transactions, apart from having a flexible approach to search for opportunities and designing deal structures, we also get specially involved in the elaboration of the transactions documentation, the negotiation processes and the closing of the deals.